Daesung MDI aims to become a top-ranking company
that contributes to the nation and to customers by providing products and services that
support the foundation of the industry based on talent and technology.
We intend to become a trusted company that grows and develops along with the shareholders and the local community.
For this goal, we have established ethical guidelines that work as the standard for the proper behavior
and ethical judgement of all employees and management.

Our highest responsibility is in customer satisfaction. We always think from the perspective of our customers and behave accordingly to provide the best quality products at the right time, and to provide the information that customers need without delay or error.

Protecting investment value
We protect the rights and interests of our shareholders by maximizing the investment value and gains for the company. We also consider the maintenance of a healthy organizational chain of command and transparent accounting processing to be of importance.

We respect the integrity of individual employees and do not discriminate based on educational or other background. We distribute opportunities fairly according to individual merit, compensate based on performance, and nurture creative talent. We always do our best to improve the quality of life for all employees by prioritizing safety and improving work environments.

Partners and competitors
We encourage our partners to participate in transparent and fair competition, and do not engage in inappropriate or unjust treatment or bribery. With regard to our competitors, we promote mutual respect and fair competition.

Environmental Protection
In order to minimize environmental damages caused in product development and manufacturing processes, we aspire to become a company that closely cooperates with the local community with pleasant working conditions, continuously working on the development of new technologies and improvement in design.

Conflicts of interest
When a conflict of interest occurs between the company and an employee of the company, the interests of the company always take priority over the interest of the employee.